
Aux œuvres citoyens – Paris 06 Jun 2012

Contestation on front of Tunisian embassy in Paris against Salafist attack of artists during the exhibition “Art Spring” in La Marsa/Tunisia.

With Nouthael Belkhadi, Omar Bay, Moufida Fdhila.

Halim Karabibene, Contestation on front of Tunisian embassy in Paris ...


Drop charges against Tunisian artists – Berlin 8 September 2012. Video 5’31”


Solder#1 distributes the text of Human Right Watch in Berlin due to the condemnation of Tunisian artists, indicted for “disturbing the public order”.


The Solder #1 VOTE – Paris 23 October 2011

The first democratic elections in Tunisia after the “REVOLUTION” – Polling station, Tunisian Embassy in Paris.

Le Soldat N°1 a voté - Performance Consulat tunisien Paris - Eléctions du 23 Octobre 2011 (2)


Postmodern Ballot Box


A search of the MNAMC in New York – 23 December 2010 – Video 13’23”

Action Performance Guggenheim Museum

Action Performance Guggenheim New York 23 Décembre 2010

A la Recherche du MNAMC à New York – Video 13 min